

St. Elizabeth Seton School provides a challenging curriculum for students in all grades. As a Drexel School we incorporate differentiated instruction and a blended learning environment, utilizing technology to meet the learning needs of all students.

Technology Education

Welcome to the Computer Lab at St. Elizabeth Seton School. Through the generosity of donors in 2012-2013 school year, the Seton technology lab was updated with 32 iMac desktop computers. In addition to being an extension of the classroom, with students practicing California Content Standards and skills, the lab also emphasizes the development of computer skills that will provide for success in high school, college and beyond. The lab is used for research projects in all areas of the standards including science, social studies and religion allowing students to learn proficiency in Microsoft Office programs including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and create, research, write and publish documents programs including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and create, research, write and publish documents. Kindergarten classes through 8th grade meet twice weekly in the computer lab. Lower grades focus on keyboard familiarization and beginning reading and math skills. Microsoft Word is introduced in 1st Grade with the students practicing their spelling words. At 3rd grade typing fundamentals are introduced along with an introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint. Each year additional components of the tools are built upon with the hope that by 8th grade the curriculum is mostly project based with the use of tools that include Excel, Word, coding and HTML.

Since 2013 the school has taken part in the “Hour of Code”, a global initiative to expose students to computer science. All grades, except Kindergarten, enjoy grade level appropriate coding tutorials. This special assignment takes place during a week in December, but many students continue throughout the rest of the year working on coding. In addition, a programming language called Scratch is introduced to 3rd graders. Students can program stories, games, and animation. Programming is a great way to help students learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically. Also through the generosity of donors, the school has adopted a 1:1 iPad program. Every student in preschool through 8th grade has the use of their own iPad during the school day. These iPads have been used to create content in all areas of the curriculum using the creative apps available, as well as providing the ability to connect the classroom to people of interest using Skype. The use of the iPads enriches content and allows for instant feedback. The iPad program allows teachers to differentiate instruction and motivate students to utilize technology in a variety of ways.

Art in Action


Art In Action is a comprehensive visual-arts curriculum that we offer to students in grades 1-8.


Through this program students are exposed to the art of the Masters and art from cultures around the world. They learn how to analyze art, and are provided the opportunity to create their own unique masterpieces. This program is offered through our trained volunteers who come to the classrooms and support teachers by presenting age appropriate lessons.


The multifaceted lessons develop students’ critical-thinking skills, creativity, visual literacy, as well as self-esteem. Every lesson includes an open-ended discussion designed to help students carefully observe a work of art and analyze it, supporting their own ideas with evidence and listening to the ideas of others.


All lessons are aligned with National Visual Arts Standards and are easily aligned with Common Core and other subject areas of the curriculum.


Our school hallways and classrooms are often decorated with the beautiful artwork of Seton Students! We have a volunteer coordinator for this program and welcome people who are interested in volunteering to teach art. Fingerprinting and training (provided) is required to be a volunteer.


We have a volunteer coordinator for this program and welcome people who are interested in volunteering to teach art. Fingerprinting and training (provided) is required to be a volunteer.

Little Saints Preschool

We see our preschool as a partnership between school and home. The purpose of Little Saints is to provide a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment that promotes the development of the “Whole child,” meeting the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual needs of the child while responding to the needs of the family. We believe that each child is a unique person with individual patterns and timing of growth. Children learn through active exploration and interacting with materials, ideas, and people. As individuals with human rights, children need the opportunity to make choices freely from a variety of learning areas. We strive to provide the child with experiences that support success and self-worth. These experiences are to match the child’s development abilities while also challenging the child’s interest and understanding. In a Catholic Preschool, religious development is of primary importance to us. It will be approached simply and in the total context of the child’s life. We believe values are cultivated in a child not only through direct teaching, but also through the example experienced in everyday situations. We will learn short prayers to be said at meals and group times. Songs, stories and activities will often be of a religious nature. Our program attempts to guide youngsters to understand that people and the world are gifts of a loving God. Using this positive framework, we try to nurture each child’s curiosity and sense of wonder. The preschool staff is trained in the area of Early Childhood Education, and have an understanding of the children’s developmental needs. Staff members demonstrate positive attitudes about cultural values. They facilitate, encourage, and support the children by preparing an attractive environment that provides stimulating and challenging material and educational activities that are culturally and developmentally appropriate. Family is the primary influence on the child’s growth and development. Cooperation between parents and the staff is essential, and must be nurtured and maintained in order to produce more effective outcomes for the children. Children must be four years old by September 1st in order to be eligible. They are provided breakfast, lunch and snack daily as part of our Free and Reduced Meal Program. Tuition for the preschool is the same as in Grades K-8. This information can be found under the Admissions tab on our website.



Sport Programs Offered at Seton:

Girls Boys
Softball Flag Football
Soccer Basketball
Basketball Soccer
Volleyball Volleyball
Track & Field Track & Field
Swimming Swimming

St. Elizabeth Seton School works to provide a well-rounded, comprehensive education that includes physical education. Participation in competitive athletics gives students the opportunity to be healthy and active. They learn and master sports skills and strategy, and gain another level of competence and self-confidence. Students acquire the necessary sports experience that enables them to consider athletics at the high school level. After school sports are offered for students in grades 4th – 8th who are in good academic standing. St. Elizabeth Seton School competes in the San Jose Catholic Association League. As a member of this league we compete against other Catholic elementary schools within the Diocese of San Jose.

Our after-school sports program focuses on (3) three focal points within the Athletic Program, which are: teamwork, effort and sportsmanship. The children demonstrate teamwork by showing up for practices and games, effort is demonstrated by how hard they work at doing their best, and showing respect to their opponents and teammates reflects sportsmanship.

St. Elizabeth Seton School parents believe in the potential of our sports program and support it by volunteering to coach, carpooling to and from games, and by providing snacks and beverages. We are always in need for coaches.  Coaches are needed all year round. If you are interested in helping our sports program in any way, please contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Peter Noroña at (650) 326-9004 ext.111 or email to sports@setonpaloalto.org.   


Elizabeth Watters Schwartze
Brijit Lopez
Vice Principal
Theresa Barragan
Business Manager
Jeanette Rodriguez
Office Manager
Peter Noroña
Advancement & Development Director
Lorena Garcia
Director of Marketing & Enrollment
Crystal Surita
Preschool Director
Celia Rodriguez
Preschool Teacher
Rachel Veamatahau
Preschool Teacher Assistant
Feliza Juarez
Kindergarten Teacher
Ana Marin
Kindergarten Aide
Elizabeth Avalos
1st Grade Teacher
Yvette Batrez
1st Grade Aide / Extended Care Director
Connie Huynh
2nd Grade Teacher
Elena Lopez
2nd Grade Aide
Audrey Banner
3rd Grade Teacher
Debora Lynch
3rd Grade Aide
Renè De Jesus Briceño
4th Grade Teacher
Maria Vargas
5th Grade Teacher
Ashley Arellano
6th Grade Homeroom / MS Religion & Science
Guillermo Nuñez
7th Grade Homeroom / MS Math & Social Studies
Brian Le
8th Grade Homeroom / MS ELA
Daisy Browne
Resource Teacher: Grades K-3
Karolyna Torres
Interventionist: Grades 4-8
Wendy Rodriguez
School Counselor
Paula Edwards
School Nurse
Miguel Rios
Cafeteria Manager
Juana Toribio
Cafeteria Worker / Extended Care Assistant
Erik Zepeda
Facilities Manager
Ivan Jaimes
Art Teacher
Nyl Ocampo
DSJ Technology Coordinator
John Moore
Music Teacher: Grades Preschool-5
Rayshawn Thomas
P.E. Teacher